Has been a while till I didn’t post anything on the blog and the main reason is because (as I stated in the last article, I’m in Europe right now and I’ve been very very busy. The main reason of the lack of posts have been the fact that I had a little episode that left me almost blind for a while: without getting in the particulars I’m still recovering from that “episode” and spending time in front of a screen ain’t really ideal to speed up my healing.

That being said Betty and I together have been working a lot for many future projects and we’ve been signed as testimonial of Personal Training Online Italia, Italian service of online fitness coaching that we also use when in Italy we need to get fit. Check it out and enjoy all our pictures 🙂 .
Speaking of me and Betty many people have been asking us if we are married, if we are going to get married, if we will keep working together and if we come back to Curacao: we are not married … YET! But soon will happen with a very reserved ceremony, all is fixed already and we are very happy and excited. We will keep working together for sure and at the moment, for personal and working reasons, we are flip flopping from Italy to Hungary and we come back oversea for sure at the end of the year.

Chapter perfume line: we are working hard to make it happen, we don’t want something generic and anonymous but something extremely outstanding so we take our time: for sure you’ll be updated as we get news.
The goodie box: due to some production hick ups and to the fact that I had some heath related issues The Goodie Box has been delayed few months forward but the project is alive and in good health.
Thanks to all of you that keep supporting us on Ivano Cheers and Bettina Instagram and on the Ivano official Facebook page … we thank you all.
About Facebook we noticed that someone opened paged of us (especially using Betty’s name or pictures) which weren’t authorized, so please don’t be fooled by these fakes.
We love you all.
Ivano and Betty