I know this title seems a bit controversial but please stay with me for a moment and don’t rush any conclusion just yet:I obviously can speak for my own experience but I guess this could be a good example to turn whatever is bad in your life into something positive.
Lately I haven’t been in the best time of my life: I promise you that by the end of 2017 I was pretty fu@ked up, I was mentally lost and physically in serious pain.
I found out that my deep feelings were a mix between sadness and rage and it was there that I decided I had to turn around my situation. I tried to turn my sadness in a solid base to react to life, I tried to turn my rage in something positive but at the same time powerful and, at least in my case, it worked! Whether you are an actor or a model, when you have to face a camera you MUST communicate something which goes beyond the lens of the camera itself. Your rage, your power, your deepest emotion can reach everyone who’s going to watch you through that camera shot.
And if just one single person out of hundreds can feel what you just communicated: then you just turned something potentially bad in something very positive.
Remember that rage can be a temporary emotion but a photo, a footage, a video will most likely stay forever.
If you think you just hit the bottom: STAY POSITIVE! When you feel at your lowest that’s the moment where you can find a strength that was hidden somewhere, and that strength can only bring you positivity and, if you are an actor or or a model: you will communicate this positivity to anyone else who sees you.
Love You all
Ivano Cheers